Not All About The Effort? A Comparison Of Playing Intensities During Winning And Losing Game Quarters In Basketball
Fox J., Green J., Scanlan A.
Purpose: To compare peak and average intensities encountered during winning and losing game quarters in basketball players.
Methods: Eight semi-professional, male basketball players (age: 23.1 ± 3.8 yr) were monitored during all games (N = 18) over one competitive season. The average intensities attained in each quarter were determined using microsensors and heart rate monitors to derive relative values (∙min^-1) for the following variables: PlayerLoad (PL), frequency of high-intensity and total accelerations, decelerations, changes of direction, jumps, and total inertial movement analysis events combined, and modified Summated-Heart-Rate-Zones (SHRZ) workload. The peak intensities reached in each quarter were determined using microsensors and reported as PL per minute (PL∙min^-1) over 15-s, 30-s, 1-min, 2-min, 3-min, 4-min, and 5-min sample durations. Linear mixed models and effect sizes (ES) were used to compare intensity variables between winning and losing game quarters.
Results: Non-significant (P > 0.05), unclear-small differences were evident between winning and losing game quarters in all variables.
Conclusions: During winning and losing game quarters, peak and average intensities were similar. Consequently, factors other than the intensity of effort applied during games may underpin team success in individual game quarters and therefore warrant further investigation.
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