Join Catapult’s Nichol Forbes as he talks through how to make use of Maximal Intensity Intervals in the OpenField Cloud and Console.
In this video, I’m going to be looking at
the max intensity intervals in OpenField, cloud and console
and talking about how we can view the most
demanding passages of games or your individual periods.
So to start with, I’ve created a new dashboard and
I’m just going to use the wizard to create a
table that’s going to look at the max intensity interval.
So I’ll click into table here, and then once
we get into the parameters section, you can scroll
down to find maximum intensity intervals here and we
can add the values or the parameters for interval
one, interval two, and interval three for distance.
I’ll talk about what these refer to in
a moment, but please note you can also
get this data for player load as well.
You will also see if you want to look at the start
and end time of the, of each of these intervals as well.
You can put this information in as well,
but for the time being, we’re just going
to look at the intervals themselves.
So I’ll click next and create, and finish
creating this table for the maximum intensity intervals.
And once this comes out, you’ll see this kind
of information where we can see the distance and
player load information for each of the intervals.
And what each of the intervals refer to
is the amount of time that has passed
for each, for each moment of the game.
So interval one refers to every 1 minute,
interval two refers to every three minutes, and
interval three refers to every five minutes.
Now, you can rename the parameters if you prefer,
rather than saying interval one, two and three.
You could put it as 1 minute, three
minutes and five minutes if you wish to.
Also, you can change this.
This isn’t a mandatory field.
You can change the amount of time that
is housed in, within each, within each interval.
And I’ll come on to later and show you how
we can do that at the end of the video.
But essentially this is how you can view the
data in the OpenField cloud and if you wanted
to look at the information for one particular period.
So for example, if I was to click
on the small sided game, you’ll see that
the data will change based on when that
players individual maximum intensity interval was achieved.
Okay, so that gives a good summary of how
we can view the data for an entire activity
or for a specific period or half.
Now you can take this information even further if
you want, by coming into the OpenField console.
And if you want to, to look at
other parameters that happen within that, within that
time period of the maximum intensity intervals.
You can find it a lot
more easily in the OpenField console.
For example, what you can see here is I’ve
got a table set up that’s going to look
at and analyze the maximum intensity intervals.
If you want to create this table, all you
need to do is just right click into the
area at the bottom and search for events and
efforts here and then go for maximum intensity intervals.
You have the option, as I said
before, for distance and player load.
So you can click one of them to create this table.
This particular one is looking at distance and as you
can see you get the distance value for the session,
or at least for the maximum intensity interval portion, as
well as the maximum velocity that was achieved during that
time and what you will also see as well.
So I’ll just actually click into
the small sided game part two.
You will see that the data will also
change depending upon when, what period was selected
and when that interval was achieved.
But in this example, I’m just going to
look at the entire session as a whole.
And what we can see from player
eleven is that he achieved his maximum
intensity interval during the medium sighted game.
Now we can take this a step further and if
I actually click on this time, you will see that
the cursor has moved to that portion of the training.
So we can see that for the 1 minute, for
the three minutes here and for the five minutes I’ll
use the three minutes for the time being.
And what we can do from here is create
an annotation that’s going to create kind of a
dummy period that we will use to find out
more information about this, about this time here.
So to create this annotation, I’m just
going to right click into our activity,
come down to add annotation layer.
And now what we can do is we can hold
Control and T over the area that the maximum intensity
interval started and bring it across until it ends.
You can see the time in the background
and I know this lasted for around, until
around 15, until around 1524, like that.
And after creating, if the player was
selected in the active players, you’ll see
that he becomes pipped into this annotation.
Now what the annotation does is it means you can
see the data in the annotation without having to pip
him into a new period or anything like that.
Also when you sync this to the cloud, you
can still see the data for the overall period
and separately in a different table, you can see
the data for the annotation as well.
But what I’m going to do is I’m just
going to click into the activity and then click
back into the annotation we just created.
And then I’m going to create a new table and
that’s going to look at some of our other information
that we want to see about this, about this parameter.
So I’ve just finished creating the
table, as you can see.
And what we can see here is some of
the information that comes through from the annotation.
So I’ve chosen to look at the
likes of high speed distance and distance
per minute across this three minute period.
And we can find out any other information as
well by going to the widget settings wheel and
choosing the parameter you want from this list here.
But that would be a good way to
view the data in this three minute period
to see what his high speed running was.
For example, information we can’t
find in the table above.
Now, if you’ve created, if you’ve created your annotation
and you see that it’s slightly not at that
three minute mark, or maybe you want to change
the name of it, you can edit the annotation
similar to how you would with a normal period.
So if I go to edit, I can edit the time here
to make sure that it’s definitely looking at every three minutes.
And as I said, we can also change the name.
So I’m going to call this
MII three minutes player level.
And that would be a very good way to
view that data for the annotation for this individual.
As I said, you can sync this into the cloud
and view the annotations in the cloud as well.
However, this would be a very good way
if you want to do some further research
about what the metabolic power is.
For example, within this time period,
you can see that information here.
Finally, I just want to show you
how you can change the intervals.
So if you didn’t want to have it
as 1 minute, three minutes and five minutes,
you can change these intervals if you wish.
So all you need to do is come to
the OpenField cloud, come to your teams section, and
then go to the selected team that you want.
So in this case, I’m going to be using Catapult Sport.
Then if I scroll down so far, you’ll
find that you have the options here for
maximum intensity intervals, distance one, distance two and
distance three, and the same for player load.
Bear in mind that these are in seconds.
So if you wanted to change it to, let’s say
you wanted to change it so it was at 1
minute, two minutes and three minutes for each of the
intervals, we would have to change this by the seconds.
So we’d have 60 seconds, 120 seconds, and 180 seconds.
After that, just press save changes and those
new intervals will be applied in your account.