Join Catapult’s Laura Davies as she talks through how users can add average sets and make use of them in the Comparison tab within widgets.
Hi everyone.
My name is Laura Davis and I’m
a Customer Success Specialist here at Catapult.
Today I’m going to be answering a
question we’ve had submitted through our Catapult
unleash success and support portal.
So let’s jump straight to it.
So the question I received was how do
I add comparisons to my OpenField cloud reports?
So this obviously includes comparing your
sessions to your match day values.
This could be comparing your most recent
match day to your match day averages.
It could be comparing your sessions to day of the week.
That could be matchday minus one,
minus two, matchday plus one.
It could be looking at your averages of
your particular periods or drills and so on.
So very simple to very, very simple to do.
We’re going to head straight to our
settings section here in the cloud.
We’re going to navigate to our
averages on the left hand side.
So this pops up all of my average
sets that I’ve already previously created here is
where you can create all of your comparisons.
So to create one, I’m going to
go to generate new average set here.
This is where it all happens.
So it’s really important to understand what
type of average you want to build.
There’s four options.
So you can build an activity average,
one that’s based off your athletes, a
certain position or a specific team.
And for the purpose of this video, I’m
going to create one based on my team.
I’m going to do it for all teams.
You can select a single one if you wanted
to, but I’m going to do all teams.
Step two, building an average.
My team four and I want to look at game data.
So I’m going to hit this button here.
I’ve got a lot of options but because I want
to look at my game day data, I’m going to
scroll down and I’m going to go to the tagging
section and I’m going to utilize the day code tags.
So I’ve selected day code tags and
I put the equal sign here.
So it’s going to equal game.
So that’s the tag that I want.
I’m going to add that.
So that’s my building average for my team.
Based off of all of my activities that have
the tag game for day code period data for
data source parameter group, I’m going to build the
average for all of my parameters.
But you can go a little bit more specific.
If you’ve previously created a group, then
I’m going to call this game perfect.
Once you’re happy, generate this will create it and
then once done, head to your timeline and you
can go back to your report on the cloud.
There we go.
So this is my game report and I’m
going to start adding in my comparisons.
So here I’m going to have a look
at my average acceleration efforts, for example.
So if I hit the settings cog here, this
will open up a new window and I’m going
to head to the comparison tab here.
So I’m going to select my game
average average set which we just created.
I leave it as total for now.
I’m going to tick the box down
the bottom which goes allow advanced comparison.
I’m going to hit. Done.
So what this is showing me is my average game day data.
My team performs 22 acceleration bands, one
to three efforts for a session.
And then looking at the number at the
top for this session we’ve done 58.
So it’s been quite an increase.
But, but how much of an increase?
So if we navigate back to the settings cog comparison, if
I go to the drop down next to the average set
that I selected, I’ve actually got the option here.
So I can have a look
at total difference percentage change.
Just for the purpose of this, we’ll
have a look at total difference done.
And we can see in comparison to the average of their
match day data, there’s been an increase of 35 efforts.
And then if we go to details we
can do the exact same thing here.
So comparison game average.
Now we’ll have a look at the
percentage change compared to the average.
Make sure this box here is ticked on the bottom hit.
There’s actually been 140% increase
compared to their average.
I want a little bit more context comparison.
Hey, what was the actual percentage?
There we go.
So you’ve got a couple of options there
of how you want to be the data.
You’ve even got Z scores in here as well.
And obviously you can see at the moment that all
of my percentages and values are appearing in green.
This can be customized.
So if we go to display settings at the
top here, you can see how the percentages are
set and the color that’s assigned to them.
So you can change it.
Just click on the color box, pick a color,
and then again you can change the values by
just clicking in the box and typing away.
That’s done.
So it’s very, very simple again, for average
distance here at the moment, my team average
set won’t work because for this one here,
my row label is based off an activity.
So if I go to the comparison game average total
comparison it’s giving me a number which is incorrect.
So because it’s a team based average, I need
to make sure my row label reflects that.
So I’m going to change activities to team
and they should give me the correct data.
Much more realistic.
So on average my team is doing three point three
k and on this one occasion they have reached 5.9.
So yeah, so that is how
we add comparisons to our reports.
Just to recap, we go to settings and then averages.
There you can create your average sets
depending on if you want it built
on activity, team position or athlete based.
Once created, you can come to here, make sure
the data you’re viewing reflects the type of average.
So if it’s a team based average, you’re
viewing the data as a team and then
it’s a selecting the settings cog and utilizing
that comparison tab and that’s pretty much it.
So I want to thank you all for listening
and feel free to raise any questions you have
via our Catapult Unleash platform and I look forward
to speaking to you all soon. Thank you very much.