DOWNLOAD YOURS BELOW Football (Soccer) Live Tag TemplateJSON

DOWNLOAD YOURS BELOW Football (Soccer) Tag TemplateJSON

Join Catapult Sports Scientist, Laura Davies as she talks through reference values for Men’s Rugby Union users to benchmark their data against. Laura reviews the research to speak about the key performance indicators use in Rugby Union and different positional demands for International, Professional, University, College and School level players.

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Join Catapult Sport’s Junhyun Kwon as he talks through how he contextualised wearable data to affect tactical instruction while working with the South Korean Football Association.

Join Catapult’s Jozef Baker as he talks through how users can configure and see High Speed Distance live on iPad.

Running a Live Activity Guide
Catapult Vector Application


Okay, so we’ve got a question here from one

of our Vector Core users asking how can I

see High Speed Distance Live on my iPad?

Well, a couple of things that we need to check first.

So the first thing is to check

that you’re using the correct application.

This should be the Catapult Vector app.

I will provide a link to that

beneath this video for your reference.

But it is the app in the App Store that

has the word ‘Vector’ in the app icon itself.

The next thing you’re going to do is, in your

cloud software, I want you to navigate up to the

Settings menu and then into the Bands menu.

And then from the drop down select Velocity.

High speed Distance will be taken from

distance accumulated in Bands 5 and 6.

So in this example here, this would be any

distance accumulated above 5.5 meters/second once you’ve checked that

and you’re happy and you’ve applied any thresholds that

you’ve changed to the rest of your athletes.

If you actually navigate into the application itself

beforehand, be sure to kind of sync any changes down.

Start a New Session and create a

period as you would do normally.

Add any athletes into that period.

Then what you’re going to do to see High Speed Distance

is you’re just going to scroll across the top here.

So where it says Total Distance, just place one finger

on the iPad screen itself and just drag right to

left and you should see High Speed Distance appear.

What you can also do as well, if you

click on the Target View in the top right,

you can set a target for High Speed Distance.

Either drag or toggle the slider or

enter it on the right hand side.

Once you’ve set a target, just toggle the Target Mode

on to see it as a percentage of your target.

Hopefully that answers your question.

Please do continue to check in and

engage with us on the Unleash platform.

We’ll see you on the next one.

Join Catapult’s Jozef Baker as he talks through how users can import Focus tags into OpenField and report on them as an annotation layer.


Okay, so another question here from one of our

Pro Video and Vector Core Plus users asking; How

do I import Focus Tags into OpenField?

Okay, so to answer this one we’ll dive

into both Focus and OpenField and hopefully I

can give you the answer you need.

Okay, so as you can see here, we’ve

got my Focus package which I’ve created.

I’ve gone through and created tags for each instance.

And importantly I’ve actually tagged the start of the

first half and the start of the second half.

And I’ve been careful to name that

tag Start with a capital ‘S’.

The next thing I’m going to do rather than going to

export session JSON is I’m going to go up to the

top here and I’m going to select export session XML.

So just press ok on that.

Choose a suitable save location then.

Now what we’re going to do is we’re

going to navigate across into the OpenField Console.

If you right click on the top of the OpenField

activity, navigate down to import codes, Hudl Sportscode annotations

and you’re going to select classic at the top, press

select file and go and navigate and find the xml

that we’ve just saved from Focus.

Now you should be presented with all of the

tags that you’ve created in your Focus package.

What you’re going to do is just highlight all of those.

Do not select the or check the event box

and remember to select the start tag as well.

If you navigate up to the top,

click align, start with periods and just

select the two OpenField periods there.

When you’re happy you can press import.

Once you’ve done that, you should see that we’ve

got start tags lining up with the first half.

And then if we just drag move to the right here and

the second of those start tags will be in line with the

second half and all of our tags will be in the console.

So all you’ll need to do there is just complete a.

I normally recommend doing a Full Bake and then

following that make sure you do a Full Sync.

So now if we go into the OpenField

Cloud, you’ll see we’ve got all of those

tags that we created in Focus that we’ve

subsequently loaded into the OpenField Console appearing in

the timeline here I have created some widgets.

So if I go into one of those, the widget

here under source, you need to make sure that you

select ‘Annotations Database’ as opposed to ‘Periods Database’.

And then you’ve got the option to choose

from Annotation Category in the row labels.

So as you can see here, we’ve got total

distance for each of the tag categories and I’ve

displayed that as a chart on the right side.

If you want to show data for individual tags

again, you’ll need to change the source to Annotations

Database, but in the row labels you’re going to

select Annotation Name as opposed to Category.

One thing I recommend doing if you’re going to

select individual tags is toggling how you sort those.

So next to the row label, I would recommend

choosing to sort by Annotation Time and as such

you’ll see that they’ll go in chronological order.

So here I can quickly see that this Team

B Positional Attacks With Chances had 1230 meters on

the right hand side here I’ve just displayed the

same information in a chart and this is probably

an easier way to pick out those peaks.

Okay, I hope that answers your question.

Do continue to check in with the Unleash platform.

If you have more questions, feel free to

go through the Success & Support portal.

Join Catapult’s Jozef Baker as he talks through how users can create high speed distance metrics above a percentage of an individual’s maximum velocity.


Okay, we’ve got a question here from one of our Vector

Core Plus users asking how do I create a high speed

yardage metric above 80% of an individual player’s max?

In order to answer the question, what I’m going

to do is we’re going to jump into the

OpenField Cloud Software and walk you through the process.

The first thing you’re going to want to

do is go up to the Settings menu.

Within settings, go into the Athletes tab.

And if you aren’t already in this Grid View,

just toggle between Grid View and List View. Okay.

The reason being here is you can edit

multiple players at once in the Grid View.

So what I’m going to do here is

just enter in the Max Velocity on the

right hand side in your units of measurement.

The next thing I’m going to do is just head over

to the Bands section and then I’ve either got the option

to go into Velocity Bands or Velocity (Set 2).

You should have the option of both.

If not, do let us know.

We can add that into your account.

What you’re then going to do is change

the units of measurement and then you’re going

to toggle the Use Percentage button on.

Once you’ve done that, these bands at the top

here, you can, you can change, you can edit.

And as we can see here, I’ve already got my

Band 5 low threshold set to 80% because we’re using

the Use Percentage mode of the player’s maximum.

And that maximum will be taken from the

maximum you set in the Athlete Profile.

Okay, so if we head over to Parameters now

and just scroll to the bottom because I’ve used

Velocity (Set 2), I’m going to show you how

that looks in Velocity (Set 2).

Now if you are looking at Minimum Effort Distance or

Total Efforts, you’ll be able to see here that the

Velocity Band will have a ‘+’ after it.

So either Velocity Band 5+ and that will

count kind of all efforts above that band.

So in the example we’ve been working on here, we’ve

used Band 5, but we also had Band 6.

That Band 5+ would be inclusive of the

Band 6. If you’re using something like Distance,

So if we scroll down there we go

Velocity Band 5 Total Distance (Set 2).

We would also probably want to include any distance that

we accumulate in Velocity Band 6 (Set 2) as well.

So to do that, we can go into List

Custom Parameters and I can Add Custom Parameter.

So what I’m going to do is just call

that custom parameter >80% of Individual Maximum Speed

in the calculation if you just start typing.

Even if you type the first letter of each of

the words, you should get some predicted metrics and just

select the appropriate so Velocity Band 5 Total Distance (Set

2) plus Velocity Band 6 Total Distance (Set 2).

Once I’ve selected both of those, I can Add

Parameter and that will be available for you to

make use of in an OpenField widget.

I hope that answers your question.

Please check in with the Unleash

platform for more content like this.

Join Catapult Sports Scientist, Tilman Roos as he talks through reference values for Men’s Soccer users to benchmark their data against. Tilman reviews the research to speak about different positional demands for English Premier League players, English Academy players, the affect of formation and Maximal Intensity Intervals.