Validity of Real-Time Ultra-Wideband Global Navigation Satellite System Data Generated by a Wearable Microtechnology Unit

Johnston R.D., Hewitt A., Duthie G.M.

This study aimed to determine the validity of real-time ultra-wideband data generated by a wearable microtechnology unit during rugby league training sessions using a repeated measures crossover study. Twenty-four semi-professional rugby league players wore a commercially available microtechnology device (StatSports Apex) during 10 training sessions. Total distance; moderate-speed running (3.6-4.9 m·s⁻¹); high-speed running (5.0-6.9 m·s⁻¹); very high-speed running (≥7 m·s⁻¹); maximum velocity (m·s⁻¹); the number of high-intensity accelerations (≥ 2.78 m·s⁻²) and decelerations (≥ -2.78 m·s⁻²), Dynamic Stress Load (AU) and high metabolic load distance (m) were recorded in real-time via an Apex beacon over a secured wireless network before being exported to a csv file at the end of the session. The data were then downloaded to a computer post-event. To determine the validity of the real-time data, they were compared to the post-event downloaded data using coefficient of variation and Pearson’s correlation coefficient. There was almost perfect agreement between real-time and post-event downloaded data for all variables reported. The overall bias effect size scores were all trivial, ranging from 0.00 for total distance and high-speed running up to -0.12 for maximal velocity; Pearson’s correlations were either perfect or nearly perfect (r = 0.98-1.00). Irrespective of the movement speed, the data collected by these devices in real-time show excellent levels of agreement with post-event downloaded data.

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