Should We Train As We Compete? Games Might Be The Best Scenario To Reach The Internal Peak Demands In Professional Basketball Players

Alonso, E., Ribas, C., Gómez, M. A., Portés, R., Jiménez, S. L., Lorenzo, A.

BACKGROUND: The aim of this study was to compare the internal peak demands (PD) of different training sessions and official matches in professional basketball players.

METHODS: PD for heart rate (HR), respiratory rate (RR), and ventilation (VE) were collected during six games and 49 training sessions. A linear mixed model (MLM) was employed to identify differences of HR, RR, and VE among various sessions.

RESULTS: Match day (MD) presents higher internal PD (small-moderate effects) for all variables compared to the practices. In turn, MD presents small to very large differences compared to the rest of the day codes for all variables. Additionally, PD are substantially higher during MD than in season and pre-season. Moreover, for all variables, pre-season practices presented higher values (ES range = 0.15-0.29) than in-season practices. Additionally, PD were higher during friendly games and pre-season than during in-season practices.

CONCLUSIONS: Internal PD for all parameters monitored were higher during games than during practices. Additionally, internal PD were higher during friendly games and pre-season than in-season practices. Despite being friendly games, these findings revealed that the game is the scenario where higher internal PD are reached. It is crucial to quantify the peak demands to allow for optimal training of players to cope with these internal PD and successfully execute key technical-tactical skills during games.

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